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How to Get Rid of Wedding Ring Indentation

Post # 1


252 posts

Helper bee

  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: August 2012

So I took the promise ring I'd been wearing for years off about 2 weeks ago.  There was an indent but I figured it would go away.  2 weeks later and it's still totally visible!!  I didn't think my ring was that tight; it never bothered me, was always comfortable, it would still spin and came off without a problem.  Sometimes in the summer when my fingers would swell it would be stuck but most of the time it felt loose enough.

Does anyone else have an indent?  Do they ever go away? This seems like such a silly thing to have to ask about lol

Here are some pics – you can totally see exactly where the band was!

Post # 3


92 posts

Worker bee

  • drakela2
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: October 2011

I've had my ering for 6 months and I already have an indent.  I don't leave it off long enough to see if it would go away, but mine doesn't feel too tight either.  My mom told me if you're well hydrated this will be less of an issue(?)

Post # 4


1150 posts

Bumble bee

  • brox
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: October 2009

@Mrslawyer2bee: I've been married two years now. It only gets more indented over time.

Post # 5


4107 posts

Honey bee

  • dynamic_duo
  • 10 years ago

i have an indent whenever i take off my wedding band. even though i ordered the same size as my e-ring, its a bit tighter for some reason (and i wear it alone on my left hand where my e-ring used to be). I have never taken it off long enough to see if the indent goes away, although it looks exactly like yours.

@drakela2:  when you are de-hydrated, your skin has less elasticity to it.  a good way to test if you are hydryated is to pinch the top of your hand and if the skin does not go back into place immediately, you should be drinking more water.

OP, maybe you are dehydrated, or maybe it will just a long time to go back to normal. eventually you lose all your skil cells and new ones replenish, so i think over time it will go away.

Post # 6


1888 posts

Buzzing bee

  • MissNoodles
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: September 2011

I had a toe ring for about 3 years, and when I finally took it off there was an BIG indent on my toe.  It did eventually go away after about 2-3 months I'd say.

Post # 7


252 posts

Helper bee

  • Mrslawyer2bee
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: August 2012

Hmm, that would make sense about being dehydrated.  I've always had a big problem with not drinking enough.  Either way good to know that it will hopefully go away over time! No one else can see it unless they're staring at my hand but my eyes are just naturally drawn there.

Thanks for the responses!

Post # 8


2906 posts

Sugar bee

  • organizedbride11
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: November 2011

I have one where my e ring is worn. I have never taken it off long enough to see if it will go away or not though. My ring isnt tight at all, infact it moves quite a bit, I think that is just your bodies way of adapting to having a ring on your finger idk.

Post # 9


4858 posts

Honey bee

  • Juliepants
  • 10 years ago

I have an indent on my left ring finger that I've had since I started wearing rings there (first rings from my parents, then my promise ring from Fiance, now the e-ring).  I drink TONS of water and it never goes away!  I don't mind at all because I never take my rings off.  My promise ring is now on my right hand, and it's now indented as well, although not AS much as my left.

I'll tell you this: my mom has suffered from athritis in her fingers forever, as did her mom, and as I probably will someday as well.  HOWEVER – she says that her ring fingers (she has wedding rings/bands and a right hand ring as well) are much better in terms of pain than the rest of her fingers.  I'm not sure if it has something to do with the circulation, the nerves, or even the gold, but there you go!  I should really go get 8 more rings, lol!

Post # 10


1839 posts

Buzzing bee

  • rosworms
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: October 2012

is it stupid that i love my ring indent?

it's like… the ring is still part of me even if it's not on me (which is only for the bi-annual check up to keep my lifetime guarantee… or to get it cleaned).

Post # 11


2396 posts

Buzzing bee

  • soyjoy222
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: June 2012

I have a ring indent, too, and I've had my ering for a  little over 6 months. I have a split shank, so I have a double indent, haha. It goes away slightly if I don't wear my ring for a day or two (if we are home during the weekend I usually don't wear it around the house).

  @rosworms: It's not stupid. I sort of like it, too.

Post # 12


820 posts

Busy bee

  • ChicChick
  • 10 years ago

@Mrslawyer2bee:  I also have a "dent" where my promise ring is.  I'm not sure how long it takes to go away, to be honest.  Maybe you should tell your SO you need a little something to cover it up (ie an e-ring).  Lol.  Just kidding. . .kinda. 😉

Post # 13


3572 posts

Sugar bee

  • SpecialSundae
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: April 2012

I wore a ring on my left ring finger for years and it took a couple of years for the indent to go away after I lost it. I'm still contemplating getting another one to wear.

Post # 14


3696 posts

Sugar bee

  • Aure
  • 10 years ago

Hmm, two weeks later? I've been wearing my e-ring for 10 months and I forgot to put it back on one day last week after a shower. By the end of the day my indent was almost completely gone. Maybe the ring is a 1/4 size too tight?

Post # 15


2933 posts

Sugar bee

  • KristenGotMarried
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: May 2012

Oh yes. I've only had mine since January (oh god, 9 months already?!) and it's pretty clear a ring belongs there when I'm not wearing it.  My finger is totally dented.

Post # 16


341 posts

Helper bee

  • cherrydoll
  • 10 years ago
  • Wedding: October 2013

I saw this somewhere online and thought it was sweet…

How to Get Rid of Wedding Ring Indentation
